How will my plan be handled?

How will the collaboration with my financial planner look like?


Initial meeting

In an initial meeting, I describe my personal situation to my planner and together we review my questions, wishes and goals. The planner explains where he can help with advice and guidance.

On this basis, he will draw up a no-obligation quote detailing what he will do for me and what rate he will charge.


First interviews

Then, we look together at what information we need for the financial plan. I provide him with the necessary documents.

And he starts working.


Drafting the plan

Based on the information delivered, the planner prepares my personal financial plan.

At each stage, we look at the outcome and discuss the plan. I gain insights, give him comments or suggest improvements ; my planner updates the plan and goes to the next step.

My wishes and goals are double checked; new insights frequently lead to changes.


Advisory meeting

During the advisory meeting, we go through the entire financial plan and he explains all the elements.

He takes sufficient time to answer my questions. This can lead to revisions.

We also go through the cash flow plan and the action plan. Together, we look at further guidance or follow-up needs.



If I so wish, he will also provide guidance during the  implementation of the plan. See more details under ‘Guidance’ on this website.



If this is my request, he will follow up on my plan. He will review investment returns, update my plan and formulate further advices.

I can contact him if I have questions or seek advice on a financial matter.

He notifies me of changes that are of importance to me.

I would like a non-binding introduction


Personal Finance Planners

Independent financial planner

Certified by the FSMA

Lindendries 29, 1730 Asse


(+32) 0456 116924