Follow-up & support of my financial plan:

how does my plan evolve?

Follow-up & support of the financial plan

A plan is always based on current knowledge and circumstances. And these sometimes change; think of:

  • new legislation (rather frequent in Belgium),
  • a change in my family situation,
  • an unexpected donation,
  • changes in my goals and wishes,
  • another job with different conditions (company car, group insurance, option or share plans,…),
  • changes in my assets or income due to investment results,
  • an unexpected decease.

That is why I want a follow-up on my financial plan, periodically as well whenever I deem it necessary. My planner is available for that follow-up by visit, phone, email or video call.

Together, we review changes and adjust my plan. And my planner contacts me when there are changes in legislation that impact my plan and goals. That’s his promise.

Prices for follow-up & support are hourly prices according to productive hours. These are discussed in advance when the financial plan is drawn up. No travel costs and hours are charged.

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Personal Finance Planners

Independent financial planner

Certified by the FSMA

Lindendries 29, 1730 Asse


(+32) 0456 116924