Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy Personal Finance Planners

This privacy policy governs the processing of your personal data by Personal Finance Planners BV, with registered office at 1730 Asse, Lindendries 29 and company number 0791.991.436 (hereinafter referred to as “Personal Finance Planners” and abbreviated as PFP).

By entering into a contractual relationship with Personal Finance Planners or by visiting the website (, you declare that you have read our privacy policy and expressly accept its content, the inclusion of your personal data in Personal Finance Planners’ files and their processing by Personal Finance Planners.

What is personal data?

When you enter into a relationship with a customer, the following data, among others, are considered personal data:

– Identification data such as the customer’s first and last name, address, place and date of birth, e-mail address, telephone number, etc.

– Data relating to the customer’s family situation: marriage contract, relationship with (grand)children and other family members, etc.

– Data relating to the customer’s financial situation and composition: data relating to the nature and size of the customer’s regular income, his assets, including cash, investments and property, etc.

– Details of estate planning measures already taken: wills, deeds of gift, ….

When will this data be collected?

This data is collected either when you become a client of Personal Finance Planners, or when a client file is updated in the context of follow-up or advice.

Person responsible for processing personal data

The controller of the personal data is Personal Finance Planners, whose registered office is at 1730 Asse and whose company number is 0791.991.436.

The data controller is recognised as an independent financial planner by the FSMA.

Any questions regarding the protection of personal data may be submitted in writing to the above address or by e-mail (

For what purposes is the data collected processed?

Your personal data (as a client) is processed by Personal Finance Planners for the purpose of providing financial planning or patrimonial advice.

Subject to your prior express consent, personal data is also processed by Personal Finance Planners to approach and inform the client in a targeted manner, for example in response to the entry into force of new legislation which has or may have relevant consequences for the client.

What is the legal basis for data processing?

The collection and processing of personal data by Personal Finance Planners in connection with the provision of financial planning advice and inheritance tax returns is based on :

– the convention concluded between Personal Finance Planners and the customer

– Article 27 of the Law of 25 April 2014, which stipulates that before financial planning advice can be provided, all the required information on the customer’s personal situation, including information on their financial, family and professional situation, as well as their financial planning objectives and needs, must be collected in writing so that appropriate advice can be provided (hereinafter referred to as the “Law of 25 April 2014”).

– The Act of 18 September 2017 on the prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing and limiting the use of cash.

How long will personal data be kept?

With regard to the provision of financial planning advice, in accordance with Article 31 of the Act of 25 April 2014, the data collected and processed are kept for at least five years after the end of the contractual relationship with the customer.

In accordance with Article 60 of the Act of 18 September 2017 on the prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing and limiting the use of cash, the identification data in Articles 21 to 34 of the aforementioned Act are kept for 10 years.

The personal data of persons with whom no customer relationship is concluded is kept by Personal Finance Planners for 5 years, unless contact with the prospect has occurred in the meantime.

What are your rights with regard to your personal data?

You have the following rights with regard to your personal data:

– Right to information

This privacy statement tells you what personal data we process, why we process it, how long we keep it and what rights you have regarding your personal data.

– Right to access, inspect and copy

You have the right to access, at any time and free of charge, your personal data that we process, the use we make of your personal data and the persons authorised to access this personal data.You have the right to access, at any time and free of charge, your personal data that we process, the use we make of your personal data and the persons authorised to access this personal data.

– Right to rectify incorrect or incomplete data

You have the right to request correction of the personal data we process.

– Right of objection

 You also have the right to object to the processing of your personal data for reasons related to your particular situation. In addition, you always have the right (without giving specific reasons) to object to the use of your personal data for direct marketing purposes, to be informed by means of a periodic newsletter and/or to be approached and informed of changes in legislation which may have relevant consequences for you.

– Right to be forgotten (deletion of data)

 You may indicate at any time that you wish Personal Finance Planners to delete all or part of your personal data from its files, unless the processing is necessary for the establishment, exercise or defence of a legal obligation.

In this case, Personal Finance Planners is no longer authorised to provide financial planning advice to clients, in accordance with Article 27 of the Act of 25 April 2014.

– Right to restrict processing to specific purposes

You may request to restrict the processing of your personal data.

– Right to withdraw consent

Insofar as the processing of your personal data is based on your prior consent, you have the right to withdraw that consent.

– Right to transfer to another manager

You have the right to obtain and/or transfer to other data controllers your personal data that we process in a structured, common and electronic form.

You can exercise your rights simply by writing to Personal Finance Planners (Lindendries 29, 1730 Asse) or by sending an e-mail to, enclosing a copy (both sides) of your identity card.

What are Personal Finance Planners’ obligations with regard to the personal data collected?

Personal Finance Planners, as well as its agent(s) or designated person(s), are bound to discretion, subject however to the application of the provisions of the legislation and regulations relating to the fight against money laundering and the financing of terrorism.

Personal Finance Planners will not pass on the personal data collected to third parties. Only employees of Personal Finance Planners have access to the client’s personal data, in the context of the performance of their duties.

When necessary for the performance of its mission, Personal Finance Planners may also communicate your personal data to external parties (auditor, notary,…), after having informed you in advance. This communication of personal data is limited to what is strictly necessary to achieve the intended purpose and is carried out under the control of the data controller.

In the event of a request for access, rectification or deletion of personal data by a customer, Personal Finance Planners is obliged to comply with the request within 30 days.

In the event of a security incident (data breach) presenting a risk to the rights and freedoms of the client – natural person, Personal Finance Planners is required to report it to the Data Protection Authority within 72 hours, unless the leak does not endanger the personal data collected.

Personal Finance Planners is required to take appropriate technical and organisational measures throughout the process of providing its services to ensure that, in principle, only the personal data necessary for the services provided by Personal Finance Planners to the client are processed.


Personal Finance Planners

Independent financial planner

Certified by the FSMA

Lindendries 29, 1730 Asse


(+32) 0456 116924