Asset planning

How an overall picture gives insights.

What does an asset plan consist of?

An asset plan always consists of 3 parts: the overview of my entire assets, a cash flow analysis and a risk analysis. On this basis, a number of recommendations are determined. Optimisations are then proposed, which we go through in our discussions.

Do I want to achieve certain objectives? Then I get advice to allocate certain parts of the total assets to certain categories (growth, stability and liquidity). With this, I build a balanced wealth.

But it remains my personal plan. Therefore, my planner adjusts it to my specific questions in accordance with my objectives and the composition of assets or income.

Total assets

Together, we make an analysis of all my assets and debts, the composition of my assets and what evolution we can expect.


My income and expenditure streams are analysed. Am I planning a big purchase within a few years? Together, we look at how I can realise my dream.

Risk analysis

Suppose I suddenly become disabled or even die. How will this impact my family's cash flow? How can I protect them if necessary?


What portion of my assets will provide growth, stability in case of risks or retirement, and liquidity for expected or unexpected expenses? Where are those categories invested in?

Wealth or asset planning is already available from as little as €1,900 (incl. VAT) for an individual and €2,500 (excl. VAT) for a self-employed person, depending on complexity and objectives.

However, an initial introductory meeting is always free of charge and without obligation. At the end of this meeting, a quotation is drawn up, explaining what will be included in the plan and at what price. The prices indicated in the quotation are fixed, unless otherwise stated. Travel expenses and working hours are not charged.

I would like a non-binding introduction


Personal Finance Planners

Independent financial planner

Certified by the FSMA

Lindendries 29, 1730 Asse


(+32) 0456 116924