What is a financial plan?

A financial plan is the methodology used to achieve my goals and desires with my assets and income.

With that methodology, I can solve my financial questions such as:

Do I have sufficient resources to retire and maintain my standard of living?

Upon my death, will my assets go to whom I wish?

Can I structure my assets so that I have more certainty that they will grow or remain intact?

A bit of explanation:

  • Every financial plan starts from the goals and desires related to a person’s assets and income.
  • To achieve those goals and wishes, the financial plan determines various options. That involves analysing the risks and the pros and cons.
  • The analyses are performed using mathematical models with which simulations are made.
  • These analyses are discussed with the client and the most appropriate results are compiled into a cash flow plan – involving all future financial flows.
  • Depending on the client’s choice of scenario, an action plan comprising all the steps to be implemented is built and the client is further guided and assisted in this.

OK, but what is that specifically? What do I get in my hands?

  1. A document with the analyses and the various opinions. In doing so, I also build my own knowledge and gain insights.
  2. A cash flow plan showing how my asset situation evolves over the years. This plan also allows me to run my own simulations.
  3. An advice to allocate parts of my assets to the objectives I want. (Asset allocation matrix)
  4. An action plan that will help me to implement the advice.
  5. If I so wish , guidance on implementation and a follow-up.

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Personal Finance Planners

Independent financial planner

Certified by the FSMA

Lindendries 29, 1730 Asse


(+32) 0456 116924
